
Rehabbing your smile after a successful tooth extraction procedure begins before the procedure has even started. Always plan ahead for any major treatments you may undergo to ensure your lifestyle is prepared for any changes that could occur, no matter how short or long they may be. A simple misstep could ruin your recovery and set back your recovery time.

Always exercise your dentist’s advice and instructions by our team at Culebra North Dental Care. This includes sticking to a diet, proper usage of any doctor’s prescriptions and medications, and general routine habits. Get ample amounts of sleep and rest, and don’t do any strenuous forms of exercise. The more stress and fatigue you put on your mind and body, the fewer resources your body can use to dedicate to your oral health recovery time.

Swelling may occur in the zone around the extraction after the tooth has been removed. If excessive swelling begins to happen, use an ice pack on the affected area.

To avoid choking hazards, wait until the anesthetic has worn off before eating solid food. If you smoke, stop immediately, or at the very least, give it up for the 48-hour period both before and after surgery.

If any irregularities arise during your recovery, consult your dentist immediately by calling us at 210-761-5452 or visiting our office in San Antonio, Texas. For more information, or to book an appointment to come see Dr. Jonathan E. Quillian, call us soon. We look forward to helping you back on the path to a wonderful smile!